Monday, August 27, 2007

I interupt the "Creating a High Octane Culture" series to introduce to you the next President of the United States

You heard it here first.

The next President of The United States is going to be Bill Richardson.

This, coming from a registered Republican and a guy that has a non-sexual crush on Rudy Giuliani.

Yes, that's right. I saw this guy speak over the weekend and he was the most down to earth guy I have seen in the race so far. I really connected with this guy! He was speaking from the heart, not just saying whatever he needed to say in order to make people happy in the moment.

Ok, I am not going to make a video in which I star as the Richardson Guy. I am just saying that I actually could hang with Bill.

He's a regular guy. I could imagine him at my house without any pretense. I might even be able to tell a dirty joke or two!

He has all the experience necessary - He's been a Congressman, Diplomat, Ambassador to the United Nations, Secretary of the Department of Energy and Governor of New Mexico.

Here's his platform:

A national security that is tough & smart
A military second to none
A firm commitment to building diplomatic alliances
To defeat terrorism
To promote freedom
To alleviate poverty
To stop global warming
To make our nation safer and our economy more fair
To make health care and college more affordable
To energize America w/ energy independence
To guarantee a dignified retirement for all Americans

How can anyone disagree with that? It even sounds Republican! (are there really two parties anymore, anyway?)

Just add to the list "Stop America from becoming the most morbidly obese country in the world" and I think we're all set.

My Republican friends are going to shoot me (they are members of the NRA), but let's face it, the two parties are not that different anymore.

It's time to vote for the person, not the party.

Here's my prediction:

My friend Rudy - His family is going to ruin it for him. You know there's trouble when his own daughter gives her allegiance to Barack Obama on her MySpace page.

Hillary and Obama - They duke it out so badly that nobody has any respect left for either of them.

Mitt Romney - His perfect hair turns out to be a toupee and his Superstar Ken doll cover is blown.

All the others - They haven't won before and guess what, they're not going to win this time either

Well, there you have it, straight from the grassroots entrepreneur’s mouth.

Maybe you disagree with me? That's Ok. It's America! You can do that and I won't shoot you.

But, in November 2008 when Bill wins, I'd like you to give me a call. I promise I won't say "I told you so."

But that may just be a campaign promise.

Go Bill!


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