Business courses not relevant in high school?
Now, I am officially worried about the future of our country.
The superintendent of the Holley, New York school district has proposed elimination of the business department. He did not replace the retiring department chair two years ago and now is firing the remaining two teachers. It appears that he feels that business is not a relevant enough field for the high school students of Holley, so he moving to eliminate it.
If I lived in that district, I would move.
Business skills not relevant in today’s world? What?! Is this guy living in some sort of fairytale bubble? Or does he just have an ax to grind? Maybe he failed Business 101 in college and is now getting even? I really can’t understand his thinking; and I am a pretty empathetic guy! While many high schools and colleges are adding more business/entrepreneurial courses, This superintendent has decided to move Holley’s core curriculum back to the 1950’s.
Don’t get me wrong, science, math, English and social studies certainly still have their place in today’s high school line-up, but so does businesses! Business and entrepreneursism are among America’s last unique competitive advantages. We certainly don’t make much anymore in our country. But at least we can still run the company and then work with the rest of the world to create the product.
I don’t know about you but I haven’t used too many of my high school trigonometry skills lately, nor have I dissected any frogs. What I have used is my public speaking skills, business writing and other business skills that I learned in high school and college.
Even if a student doesn’t enter directly into the business world, the thought process that business classes can create is extremely valuable. For instance, scientists are at an advantage if they can figure out how to bring their research to benefit the masses. This is usually done through a…..come on, say it with me….. A BUSINESS!
This superintendent is putting Holley, NY high school students at a great disadvantage to compete in the real world. I am surprised the parents in the district are not revolting. In my opinion, the school board should remove him and put in place a superintendent who is forward thinking and cares more about the skills that Holley, NY graduates will bring forth to the world.